Bibliography to Book One




Arnheim, Rudolph.  Entropy and Art.  1971

                *              CED B105.07.A7

Arnheim, Rudolph.  The Power of the Center.  1982

                *              CED N7430.A69

Bunde, Armin, and Schlomo Havlin, eds.  Fractals and Disordered Systems. 1991


Chomsky, Noam.  Structural Linguistics.  1959


Dijksterhuis, E.J.  The Mechanization of the World Picture.  1959

                                Main Q125.D432

Feynman, Richard.  QED.  1985


Gleick, James.  Chaos: Making a New Science.  1987

                *              Moffitt Q172.5.C45.G54

Kepes, Gyorgy.  The New Landscape in Art and Architecture.  1956.


Koyre, Alexander.  From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe.  1957

                *              CED BD511.K67

Thom, Rene.  Stabilite Structurelle et Morphogenese.  1972


Penrose, Roger.  The Emperor’s New Mind.  1990

                                Moffitt BF311.P46

Waddington, C.H.  Prologema to Theoretical Biology.  1970


Waddington, C.H.  The Strategy of the Genes: A Discussion of Some Aspects of Theoretical Biology.  1957


Waddington, C.H., ed.  Towards a Theoretical Biology: 2 Sketches.  1976


Whyte, L.L.  Accent on Form.  1954

                *              CED BD648.W47

Whyte, L.L.  Aspects of Form.  1951

                *              CED BD648.W48

Whyte, L.L.  Internal Factors in Evolution.  1965


Whyte, L.L.  The Unitary Principle in Physics and Biology.  1949



Chapter 2: The Phenomenon of Life.


Benoit, Herbert.  Let Go. 

                                Main BQ9288.B4613

Benoit, Herbert.  The Supreme Doctrine.  1972

                                Main BL1432.24.B42

Huxley, Aldous.  The Perennial Philosophy.  1946

                *              Main BL51.H98

Orr, David.  Ecoliteracy.  1992

                                Moffitt LB41.0745

Orr, David.  Gaia & God.

                                Main BT695.5.R83




Cullen, Gordon.  Townscape.

                                CED NA 9030.C85

Patterns in Nature.

                                CED QH 81.S8591

Sense of Unity.

                                CED NA 1483.A7



Chapter 3: A Theory of Centers


Barrow, John and Tipler, Frank.  The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.  1986

                                MAIN BD511.B34

Bateson, Gregory.  Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity.  1979

                *              Main BD161.B32

Bohm, David.  Fragmentation and Wholeness.  1976


Bohm, David.  Quantum Theory.  1951

                                Moffitt QC174.1.B65

Bohm, David.  Wholeness and the Implicate Order.  1980

                                MAIN QC 174.13.B64

Bright, Lawrence.  Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism.


Davies, P.C.W.  God and the New Physics.  1983

                                MAIN ND553.M37.A35

Elvee, Richard, ed.  Mind in Nature.  1982


Feynman, Richard.  Quantum Electrodynamics.  1985


Flam, Jack.  Matisse on Art.  1978

                *              MAIN ND553.M37.A35

Hiley, B.J. and F.J. Peat.  Quantum Implications.  1987


Koffka, Kurt.  Principle of Gestalt Psychology.  1955


Kohler,  Wolfgang.  Gestalt Psychology.


Kohler, Wolfgang.  The Place of Value in a World of Facts.  1959

                                CED BD232.K57

Lovelock, J.E.  Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth.  1979

                                MAIN QH313.L68

Mach, Ernst.  Space and Geometry.  1960


Misner, Charles, Kip Thorne and John Archibald Wheeler.  Gravitation.  1973


Perls, Frederick S.  Gestalt Psychology Verbatim.  1969


Schrodinger, Erwin.  Mind and Matter.  1959


Smuts, Jan.  Holism & Evolution.  1926

                                MAIN B818.56

Wheeler and Zureck.  Quantum Theory and Measurement.  1983


Whitehead.  Process and Reality.

                                MAIN BD511.W5



Chapter 4: How Life Comes from Wholeness


Boscovitch, Roger Joseph.  A Theory of Natural Philosophy.  1922


Hofstadter, Douglas R.  Goedel, Escher, and bach: An Eternal Golden Braid.  1979


Koestler, Arthur.  Janus.  1978

                                MAIN B1646.K773.J36

Mollison, Bill.  Permaculture.  1990


Pirsig, Robert.  Lila.  1991

                                MAIN PS3566.I66.L54

Pirsig, Robert.  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  1970


Sheldrake, Rupert.  A New Science of Life.  1981


Shepard, Paul, and Daniel McKinley.  The Subversive Science: Essays Toward an Ecology of Man.  1969


Chapter 6: Fifteen Properties in Nature


Alfven, Hannes.  World-Antiworlds: Antimatter in Cosmology.  1966


Holser, William T., ed.  Colored Symmetry.  1964


Lerner, Eric.  The Big Bang Never Happened.  1991

                                MOFFITT QB991.B54.L47

Mandelbrot, Benoit.  The Fractal Geometry of Nature.  1983

                                MOFFITT QA447.M357

Murray, James D.  How the Leopard Got its Spots.


Peat, David.  Bell’s Theorem and Einstein’s Moon.  1991


Pullman, Bernard.  The Modern Theory of Molecular Structure.  1962


Smith, Cyril Stanley.  A Search for Structure: Selected Essays of Science, Art, and History.  1981

                                MAIN Q171.S618

Stewart, Ian and Martin Golubitsky.  Fearful Symmetry: Is God A Geometer?  1992

                *              ASTRO/MATH Q172.5.S95.S74

Thom, Rene.  Structural Stability and Morphogenesis.  1975


Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth.  On Growth and Form.

                *              CED QP84.T5

Weyl, Hermann.  Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science.  1950


Weyl, Hermann.  Symmetry.  1952



Chapter 9: Beyond Descartes: A New Form of Scientific Observation.


Coleman, Alice.  Utopia on Trial: Vision and Reality in Planned Housing.  1985


Confucious, translated by Ezra Pound.  The Unwobbling Pivot.


Corbett, Michael.  A Better Place to Live.  1981

                                CED HT65.C67

Van Gorkum, Nina.  Abhidhamma in Daily Life.  1975


Van Gorkum, Nina.  Buddhism in Daily Life.  1977


Mirror of the Self


Cooper Marcus, Clare.  House as a Mirror of the Self.

                CED BF175.5.O22.M37




Berger & Luckmann.  The Social Construction of Reality.  1967

                                MAIN BD 175.B4

Kauffman, Stuart.  Origins of Order.

                                MOFFITT QH325.K388

Kauffman, Stuart.  Order out of Chaos

                                MOFFITT Q175.P8822

Prigogine, Ilya.  From Being to Becoming

                                MOFFITT QC173.59.S65.P76

Whitehead, Alfred North. 

                                MAIN BD 511.W5




Yanagi, Soetsu.  The Unknown Craftsman: A Japanese Insight into Beauty. 1972.

                *              CED NK1071.Y341